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File: moreover_api.php

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  Classes of Carter Comunale   news_parser_4   moreover_api.php   Download  
File: moreover_api.php
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Description: This collection of classes are my attempt to create a complete API in PHP to the content syndication service. It has the ability to retrieve a listing of all current content channels and categories as well as retrieve all articles for those categories. Written by Michael Bell
Class: news_parser_4
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Date: 23 years ago
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<?php /************************************************************************** Title: Moreover PHP API Author: Michael Bell ( Based upon news_parser written by Carter Comunale ( Version: 1.0 Date: July 10th, 2001 Description: This collection of classes are my attempt to create a complete API in PHP to the content syndication service. It has the ability to retrieve a listing of all current content channels and categories as well as retrieve all articles for those categories. Classes: Moreover - Main API class moreoverChannel - Channel class moreoverCategory - Category class moreoverArticle - Article class **************************************************************************/ class moreoverArticle { var $ArticleID; var $URL; var $HeadlineText; var $Source; var $MediaType; var $Cluster; var $Tagline; var $DocumentURL; var $HarvestTime; var $AccessRegistration; var $AccessStatus; function moreoverArticle () { // Constructor - Nothing needs to be initilized in this class. } } class moreoverCategory { var $CategoryName; var $FeedName; var $ArticleObjects; function moreover_category () { // Constructor - Just empty out the ArticleObjects array $this->ArticleObjects = array (); } } class moreoverChannel { var $ChannelName; var $CategoryObjects; function moreoverChannel () { // Constructor - Just empty out the CategoryObjects array $this->CategoryObjects = array (); } } class Moreover { var $getArticleURL; var $getChannelURL; var $getSearchURL; var $ArticleObjects; var $ChannelObjects; var $_XMLParser; var $_CurrentTag; var $_CurrentArticle; var $_CurrentChannel; var $_CurrentCategory; function Moreover () { // Constructor // Empty out ArticleObjects array $this->ArticleObjects = array (); // Empty out ChannelObjects array $this->ChannelObjects = array (); // Setup the proper URL strings $this->getArticleURL = ""; $this->getSearchURL = ""; $this->getChannelURL = ""; } function getArticles () { $this->_clearArrays (); foreach (func_get_args () as $argument) { if (is_array ($argument)) { foreach ($argument as $arg) { $this->_interactAndParse ($this->getArticleURL . urlencode ($arg)); } } else { $this->_interactAndParse ($this->getArticleURL . urlencode ($argument)); } } return $this->ArticleObjects; } function getChannel ($channel) { $output = array (); $this->getChannels (); foreach ($this->ChannelObjects as $channelObj) { if ($channelObj->ChannelName == $channel) { $output = $channelObj->CategoryObjects; break; } } return $output; } function getChannels () { $this->_clearArrays (); $this->_interactAndParse ($this->getChannelURL); return $this->ChannelObjects; } function searchArticles () { $this->_clearArrays (); foreach (func_get_args () as $argument) { if (is_array ($argument)) { foreach ($argument as $arg) { $this->_interactAndParse ($this->getSearchURL . urlencode ($arg)); } } else { $this->_interactAndParse ($this->getSearchURL . urlencode ($argument)); } } return $this->ArticleObjects; } function _clearArrays () { $this->ArticleObjects = array (); $this->ChannelObjects = array (); } function _interactAndParse ($XMLFile) { // Initilize the XML parser $this->_XMLParser = xml_parser_create ('UTF-8'); xml_parser_set_option ($this->_XMLParser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, TRUE); xml_parser_set_option ($this->_XMLParser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8'); xml_set_element_handler ($this->_XMLParser, "_tagOpen", "_tagClose"); xml_set_character_data_handler ($this->_XMLParser, "_cdata"); xml_set_object ($this->_XMLParser, &$this); if (!($fp = fopen ($XMLFile, 'r'))) { echo "Could not open $XMLFile for parsing!\n"; } while ($data = fread ($fp, 4096)) { if (!($data = utf8_encode ($data))) { echo 'ERROR'."\n"; } if (!xml_parse ($this->_XMLParser, $data, feof ($fp))) { die (sprintf ( "XML error: %s at line %d\n\n", xml_error_string (xml_get_error_code ($this->_XMLParser)), xml_get_current_line_number ($this->_XMLParser))); } } fclose ($fp); $this->_cleanUp (); } function _tagOpen ($parser, $tag, $attributes) { $this->_CurrentTag = $tag; switch ($tag) { case "ARTICLE": $this->_CurrentArticle = new moreoverArticle (); break; case "CATEGORY": $this->_CurrentCategory = new moreoverCategory(); break; case "CHANNEL": $this->_CurrentChannel = new moreoverChannel(); break; } } function _tagClose ($parser, $tag) { switch ($tag) { case "ARTICLE": array_push($this->ArticleObjects, $this->_CurrentArticle); break; case "CATEGORY": array_push($this->_CurrentChannel->CategoryObjects, $this->_CurrentCategory); break; case "CHANNEL": array_push($this->ChannelObjects, $this->_CurrentChannel); break; } } function _cdata($parser, $cdata) { switch ($this->_CurrentTag) { case "URL": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->URL) { $this->_CurrentArticle->URL = $cdata; } break; case "HEADLINE_TEXT": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->HeadlineText) { $this->_CurrentArticle->HeadlineText = $cdata; } break; case "SOURCE": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->Source) { $this->_CurrentArticle->Source = $cdata; } break; case "MEDIA_TYPE": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->MediaType) { $this->_CurrentArticle->MediaType = $cdata; } break; case "CLUSTER": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->Cluster) { $this->_CurrentArticle->Cluster = $cdata; } break; case "TAGLINE": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->Tagline) { $this->_CurrentArticle->Tagline = $cdata; } break; case "DOCUMENT_URL": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->DocumentURL) { $this->_CurrentArticle->DocumentURL = $cdata; } break; case "HARVEST_TIME": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->HarvestTime) { $this->_CurrentArticle->HarvestTime = $cdata; } break; case "ACCESS_REGISTRATION": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->AccessRegistration) { $this->_CurrentArticle->AccessRegistration = $cdata; } break; case "ACCESS_STATUS": if (!$this->_CurrentArticle->AccessStatus) { $this->_CurrentArticle->AccessStatus = $cdata; } break; case "CHANNEL_NAME": if (!$this->_CurrentChannel->ChannelName) { $this->_CurrentChannel->ChannelName = $cdata; } break; case "CATEGORY_NAME": if (!$this->_CurrentCategory->CategoryName) { $this->_CurrentCategory->CategoryName = $cdata; } break; case "FEED_NAME": if (!$this->_CurrentCategory->FeedName) { $this->_CurrentCategory->FeedName = $cdata; } break; } } function _cleanUp () { xml_parser_free ($this->_XMLParser); } } ?> Example use...<PRE> &lt;?php include ("moreover_api.php"); $mo_api = new Moreover (); // Retrieve headlines in the "Broadcasting industry news" category. print_r ($mo_api->getArticles ("Broadcasting industry news")); // Retrieve headlines with the keyword "Linux". print_r ($mo_api->searchArticles ("Linux")); // Retrieve headlines with the keyword "Linux" then retrieve headlines with // "MP3" and combine them into one responce. print_r ($mo_api->searchArticles ("Linux", "MP3")); // Retrieve headlines with the keyword "Linux" then retrieve headlines with // "MP3" and combine them into one responce. (Same as above, different call) print_r ($mo_api->searchArticles (array ("Linux", "MP3"))); // Rerieve all channels and categories that has available. print_r ($mo_api->getChannels ()); // Rerieve all categories within the specified channel. print_r ($mo_api->getChannel ("Business: general")); ?&gt; </PRE>