Gonx Urls, By Hatem
This class is meant to create dynamic urls for your application. Then with a parameter that you define in init.php you can choose beteween default style (http://www.mycompany.com/index?go=home&page=1) or the url optimised for search engine style (http://www.mycompany.com/index/home/1/)
Usage :
Configure your init.php script. Gonx Urls use only two variables :
$GonxAdmin["starturifrom"] = 2; // This value is the first argument position in url
$GonxAdmin["urls"] = "0"; // 0 for the 1st style, 1 for the 2nd
$GonxAdmin["siteurl"] = "http://localhost/phpclasses/gonxurls/"; // This is full site path to index with trailing slash in the end.
1 - Gonx Urls style :
require_once("libs/gonxurls.class.php"); // Gonx Urls Manager
echo urls::create(array("go"=>"accueil","page"=>"1"),$GonxAdmin["urls"]);
2 - Gonx Urls developers :
After creating your modules or script using Gonx Urls you can scan all of them to generate your index.php file.
require_once("libs/gonxurls.class.php"); // Gonx Urls Manager
Copy and save your source code then continue your index script
Support complex urls for example OnChange="location.href='?go=home&tabs='+ChgTheme.options[selectedIndex].value"
GonxTabs class support
Author :
Ben Yacoub Hatem