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File: EPub.HtmlEntities.php

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  Classes of Asbjorn Grandt   EPub   EPub.HtmlEntities.php  
File: EPub.HtmlEntities.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Utility class
Class: EPub
Create ebook in EPUB format for ex. Apple iPad
Author: By
Last change: ePub 3 support added

* Added: ePub 3 support. The ePub 3 still contains the NCX for backwards
combatability to ePub 2 readers, though there is no gurantee that it'll
work on all readers.
* The EPub class constructor now takes arguments for epub version,
* The other new parameters on the EPub constructor are for default
language and writing direction, used on the generated ePub 3 TOC.
* Added: Ability to reference sub chapter id's
* ->addChapter($chapterName, $chapterLink); where the link must contain
the #id.
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 17,961 bytes

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