// Raw Image Path
$path = "./img/01.jpg";
* Load the image in the instance, but you can load the image after or reload
* the image using $image->load_image($path);
$image = new Resize_image_helper($path);
* Resize the image adjusting the width to 300px,
* the height still the same
* Resize the image adjusting the height to 300px,
* the width still the same
* At this point you have 3 images, the original image, other with the same name plus
* a suffix "_w300" result of the first transform, and other with the suffix "_h300"
* result of the second transform.
* If you want changes applied to the original image and are cumulative
* use the second parameter OVERWRITE = TRUE
* Resize the image on both dimensions.
* Create a new image with original name and the suffix _w500_h250.
* You can use OVERWRITE = TRUE to apply the changes on the original image.
$image->resize_both(500, 250);
* Change the aspect ratio.
* The first element refers to the height and the second to the weight.
* You can use OVERWRITE = TRUE to apply the changes on the original image.
* The following aspects are the usual but you can use any you want.
* You can clear the memory manually if you believe necessary, otherwise the image
* resource be destroyed on the __destruct method.