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File: examples/example_form_simple.php

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  Classes of Chara Miteo   ApPHP Data Validator   examples/example_form_simple.php   Download  
File: examples/example_form_simple.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example file
Class: ApPHP Data Validator
Validate sets of values in different ways
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 3,911 bytes


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// class Validator
require_once '../validator.class.php';

//contains posted values
$value = array();
//contains got errors
$errors = array();
//contains messages
$msg = '';

//if submit button is pressed
$value = $_REQUEST;
//create validator
$validator = new Validator();
    //create data contaner. By default it will work with $_REQUEST array
$container = new ValidatorDataContainer();

    //create Email validation type
$emailValidator = new ValidatorTypeEmail($container, 'email', 'user email');
// by default a field can be null, but now email is necessary
//put email into validator

    // create Age validation type
$ageValidator = new ValidatorTypeNumeric($container, 'age', ValidatorTypeNumeric::$subtypeNumeric);
// by default a field can be null, but now age is necessary
// age can not be less then 16
// age can not be greater then 130
// add age to validator

//start validation

//get errors
if ($validator->GetHasErrorStatus() ) {
// loop through error array
foreach($validator->GetErrorArray() as $oneError){
//collect all found errors in an array for every field
$errors[$oneError->GetFieldName()][] = $oneError->ToString();
$errors) ){
$msg = '<span style="color:green">Your data has been successfully validated!</span>';

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <title>ApPHP DataValidator :: Examples :: Web Form (simple)</title>
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    <meta name='keywords' content='php data validator, php datavalidator, php validate data, form validation' />
    <meta name='description' content='Advanced Power of PHP - using of ApPHP DataValidator' />
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        .error { font-size:12px; color: red; }
        .warning { font-size:12px; color: gray; }
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    <?php echo ((!empty($msg)) ? '<div class="message">'.$msg.'</div>' : '<br><br>'); ?>

    <legend>Form (simple)</legend>
    <form action="" method="post">
    <div class='formDiv'>
        <div class="caption">User email:</div>
        <input type='text' value='<?php echo isset($value['email'] ) ? $value['email'] : '' ?>' name='email'>
        <div class="error"><?php echo isset($errors['email']) ? implode('<br>', $errors['email'] ): ''?></div>
    <div class='formDiv'>
        <div class="caption">Age:</div>
        <input type="text" value='<?php echo isset($value['age']) ? $value['age'] : ''?>' name='age'>
        <div class="warning">*numbers only, from 16 to 130</div>
        <div class="error"><?php echo isset($errors['age']) ? implode('<br>', $errors['age'] ): ''?></div>
    <div><br /><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'></div>