/* =======================================
Copyright 1998, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2009 - E Net Arch
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (or the Lesser GPL).
======================================= */
Function isReservedWord ($szWord)
$szWord = strToUpper($szWord);
If ($szWord == "SELECT") return true;
If ($szWord == "DELETE") return true;
If ($szWord == "INSERT") return true;
If ($szWord == "UPDATE") return true;
If ($szWord == "DROP") return true;
If ($szWord == "TABLE") return true;
If ($szWord == "CREATE") return true;
return False;
// =========================================
Function IIF ($tf, $ifTrue, $ifFalse)
if ($tf)
{ return $ifTrue; }
{ return $ifFalse; }
Function stringIDs ($aryIDs)
If (! is_Array ($aryIDs)) return;
$nIDs = "";
For ($t = 1; $t < count ($aryIDs)+1; $t++)
$nIDs = $nIDs . $aryIDs [$t];
If ($t < count ($aryIDs)) $nIDs .= ", ";
return $nIDs;
// =========================================
Function ParseString ( $szStr , $szKey )
global $gblError, $gblDebugW, $bDebugging;
$szArray = explode ($szKey, $szStr);
If ($bDebugging) { $gblDebugW->iprint (" count (szArray) = " . count ($szArray)); }
return $szArray;
// $szStr = Trim($szStr);
// If (strLen($szStr) == 0) return;
// $szArray = array(); // As String
// $nIndex = 1;
// For ($t = 1; $t< strLen(szStr); $t++)
// {
// $c = substr ($szStr, $t, 1);
// switch ($c)
// {
// Case $szKey:
// $nIndex += 1;
// default:
// $szArray [$nIndex] .= $c;
// }
// }
// =========================================
Function ParsePath( $szStr )
$szStr = Trim($szStr);
If (strLen($szStr) == 0) return;
$szArray = explode (subStr ($szStr, 0, 1), $szStr);
unset ($szArray[0]);
// print ($szStr . "<P>");
// print (count ($szArray) . "<P>");
// var_dump ($szArray);
// print ( "<P>");
return ($szArray);
If (strLen($szStr) == 0) return;
If ((Left($szStr, 1) == "\\") || (Left($szStr, 1) == "/"))
$szStr = Right($szStr, Len($szStr) - 1);
$szArray = array(); // As String
$nIndex = 1;
For ($t = 1; $t< strLen($szStr); $t++)
$c = substr ($szStr, $t, 1);
switch ($c)
Case "\\":
Case "/":
$nIndex .= 1;
$szArray [$nIndex] .= $c;
return szArray;
// =========================================
Function stringPath ($aryPath, $nStart)
If (! is_array ($aryPath)) return;
$szPath = "";
For ($t = $nStart; $t < count($aryPath); $t++)
$szPath .= $aryPath(t);
If ($t < count($aryPath))
$szPath .= "\\";
return $szPath;
// =========================================
Function strReplace ($szTarget , $szFind , $szReplace )
If (Len($szTarget) == 0) return $szTarget;
If (Len($szFind) == 0) return $szTarget;
If (Len($szReplace) == 0) return $szTarget;
$x = InStr($szTarget, $szFind);
If ($x == 0) return $szTarget;
$szLeft = Left($szTarget, x - 1);
$szRight = Right($szTarget, Len($szTarget) - x - Len($szFind) + 1);
return ($szLeft . $szReplace . $szRight );
// =========================================
Function szBR()
{ return ( "\r" ); }
Function szP()
{ return ( "\r\r" ); }
// =========================================
Function ConvertTo_ArrayCtrl ($rs)
If (isNothing(rs)) return;
$aryIDs = array();
$x = 0;
While (! ($rs->BOF() || $rs->EOF()))
$x += 1;
$aryIDs[x] = $rs->Field ("ID");
$ID2s = New ArrayCtrl();
return ($ID2s);
Function printError($thsError)
print ("<BR>");
print ("<BR>");
print ("errSrc = " . $thsError->Source() . "<BR>");
print ("errNo = " . $thsError->No() . "<BR>");
print ("errDesc = " . $thsError->Description() . "<BR>");
print ("errSQL = " . $thsError->SQL() . "<BR>");
print ("errCallPath = " . "<BR>");
$aryBuffer = explode (" ", $thsError->CallPath());
foreach ($aryBuffer as $szBuffer)
{ print (str_pad("", 8, " ") . $szBuffer . "<BR>"); }
print ("<BR>");
print ("<BR>");
Function typeOf ($objClass)
{ return get_class ($objClass); }
Function is_Boolean ($objClass)
global $gblError, $gblDebugW, $bDebugging;
$szClassType = get_class ($objClass) . gettype ($objClass);
if ($bDebugging) { $gblDebugW->iprint ("Class = '" . $szClassType . "'"); }
if ($bDebugging) { $gblDebugW->iprint ("Value = " . $objClass); }
$bRtn = false;
switch ($szClassType)
case "boolean" :
$bRtn = true;
case "string":
$objClass = strToLower ($objClass);
switch ($objClass)
case "0":
case "1":
case "true":
case "false":
$bRtn = true;
case "integer":
switch ($objClass)
case 0:
case 1:
$bRtn = true;
return ($bRtn);
Function is_Date ($objClass)
global $gblError, $gblDebugW, $bDebugging;
$szClassType = gettype ($objClass);
if ($szClassType == "object")
$szClassType = get_class ($objClass);
if ($bDebugging) { $gblDebugW->iprint ("Class = '" . $szClassType . "'"); }
$bRtn = false;
switch ($szClassType)
case "DateTime" :
if ($bDebugging) { $gblDebugW->iprint ("Value = " . $objClass->format ("Y-m-d")); }
$bRtn = true;
case "string":
if ($bDebugging) { $gblDebugW->iprint ("Value = " . $objClass); }
if (date_parse ($objClass)) $bRtn = true;
case "integer":
if ($bDebugging) { $gblDebugW->iprint ("Value = " . $objClass); }
if (getdate ($objClass) == null) $bRtn = true;
if ($bDebugging) { $gblDebugW->iprint ("bRtn = " . IIF (($bRtn), "true", "false")); }
return ($bRtn);
Function Now ()
{ return Date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); }
// if an error is recieved from using this function
// make sure that the Date / Time Zone is set correctly
// in the PHP INI file.
// ex .. date.timezone = America/New_York
Function SQLEncode ($szString)
$szRtn = "";
$nlen = strLen($szString);
If ($nlen == 0) return;
For ($t = 0; $t < $nlen; $t++)
$szChar = substr($szString, $t, 1);
$szRtn .= $szChar;
If ($szChar == "'") $szRtn .= $szChar;
return ($szRtn);