* Object Oriented CSS 2.0
* September 5, 2009
* Corey Hart @ http://www.codenothing.com
* Credit to Thiemo Mättig @ http://maettig.com/ for his regex help
Class ObjectOrientedCSS
* Class Vars
* @param (array) vars: Holds variables found in css file
* @param (string) file: Contents of css file
* @param (array) tree: Holds parsed tree found in css file
var $vars = array();
var $file = '';
var $tree = array();
* Centralized function to run the OOCSS Parser
* @param (string) css: Contents of css file
function run($css){
// Store contents into class var
$this->file = $css;
// Raw file trimmed down to single line
// Run variable conversions first
// Loop through and create the tree (Pass file as var, for loop)
$this->tree = $this->convertLoop($this->file);
// Process tree for output (Pass as var, for loops)
$this->file = $this->processFile($this->tree);
// Return parsed file for quick output
return $this->file;
* Format the css file into single line
* @params none
function trimCSS(){
// Remove CSS Comments
$this->file = preg_replace("/\/\*(.*?)\*\//s", '', $this->file);
// Remove Multiple Spaces (Credit goes to Thiemo Mättig @ http://maettig.com/ for pointing out this regex)
$this->file = preg_replace("/\s+/s", ' ', $this->file);
* Find and replace variables
* @params none
function variableReplacement(){
// Credit goes to Thiemo Mättig @ http://maettig.com/ for pointing out this regex
preg_match_all("/([$]\w+)\s*=\s*([^;]+);/s", $this->file, $matches);
for ($i=0, $imax=count($matches[0]); $i<$imax; $i++){
// Matches
$string = $matches[0][$i];
$var = $matches[1][$i];
$value = $matches[2][$i];
// Check for multiple definitions
if (strpos($value, '{') !== false){
$value = str_replace('{', '', $value);
$value = str_replace('}', '', $value);
$value = str_replace(',', ';', $value);
// Store the var for debugging
$this->vars[$var] = $value;
// Remove the declaration from the file
$this->file = str_replace($string, '', $this->file);
// Enforce semi-colon replacement
$this->file = str_replace($var.';', $value.';', $this->file);
* Reformat css contents into seperate lines
* for line-by-line parsing
* @params none
function prepFileForLoop(){
// Line out as much as possible
$this->file = preg_replace("/([{]|[}]|;)/", "$1\n", $this->file);
// Return each line
$this->file = explode("\n", str_replace('}', "\n}", $this->file));
* Create tree structure from formatted contents.
* Recursively calls itself to reach multiple levels
* @param (array) file: Reformated css contents
function convertLoop(&$file){
$ret = $old = array();
while ($file){
$line = trim(array_shift($file));
if (!$line || $line == ''){
else if (strpos($line, '{') !== false){
// Take out the tag
$tag = trim(array_shift(explode('{', $line)));
// Store old tag for merging
if (isset($ret[$tag]))
$old = $ret;
// Run recursive loop of all levels
$ret[$tag] = $this->convertLoop($file);
// If old tag found, merge results
if ($old){
$ret = array_merge_recursive($old, $ret);
$old = array();
else if (strpos($line, '}') !== false){
return $ret;
$ret['props'][] = $line;
return $ret;
* Create standard CSS file from processed tree
* @param (array) file: Tree parsed from contents
* @param (string) tag: Current tag depth
function processFile($file, $tag=''){
// Only add props if it exists with a tag
if (($tag = trim($tag)) && $tag != '' && $file['props']){
// Remove Lingering direct descendent tag and trim it
$trimedTag = trim(preg_replace('/[>]$/', '', $tag));
$str = "$trimedTag {\n\t" . implode("\n\t", $file['props']) . "\n}\n\n";
// Loop through nested levels
foreach ($file as $key => $value)
if ($key != 'props')
$str .= $this->processFile($value, $tag.' '.$key);
// Return concatenated string
return $str;
$oocss = new ObjectOrientedCSS;