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File: exemple.php

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File: exemple.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Full detailed example
Class: RTF Class Code PHP
Generate documents in RTF
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 6,313 bytes


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     * File: example.php
     * 2008/12/10 20:00:00


$RTF = new RTF();
$RTF->set_default_font("Tahoma", 10);

draw_title($title, $align = 'left'){


$RTF->set_font("Arial Black", 15);
$TITLE = $RTF->bold(1) . $RTF->underline(1) . $title . $RTF->underline(0) . $RTF->bold(0);
$RTF->add_text($TITLE, $align);

### Graphical Effects
draw_title("Graphical Effects");

$text[] = $RTF->emboss(1). "emboss()". $RTF->emboss(0);
$text[] = $RTF->sub(1). "sub()". $RTF->sub(0);
$text[] = $RTF->super(1). "super()". $RTF->super(0);
$text[] = $RTF->engrave(1) . "engrave()". $RTF->engrave(0);
$text[] = $RTF->caps(1). "caps()". $RTF->caps(0);
$text[] = $RTF->outline(1). "outline()" . $RTF->outline(0);
$text[] = $RTF->shadow(1). "shadow()". $RTF->shadow(0);
$text[] = $RTF->bold(1). "bold()". $RTF->bold(0);
$text[] = $RTF->underline(1) . "underline()" . $RTF->underline(0);
$text[] = $RTF->italic(1). "italic()" . $RTF->italic(0);

    foreach (
$text as $key => $value)

### Color Examples
draw_title("Color Examples");

    for (
$i=0; $i<17; $i++)
$RTF->add_text( $RTF->color($i) . "THIS IS A COLORED TEXT (COLOR ID: $i)");

### Fonts Examples
draw_title("Fonts Examples");

$fonts = Array("Arial", "Arial Black", "Tahoma", "Verdana", "Times New Roman", "Courier New");

    foreach (
$fonts as $key => $value)
$dim = 20;
$RTF->set_font($value, $dim);
$RTF->add_text("Written using font ". $RTF->bold(1) . "$value" . $RTF->bold(0) . " with dimension $dim");


$RTF->add_text($RTF->bold(1) . "NOTE: " . $RTF->bold(0) );
$RTF->add_text("The page has been changed!");

### Images Examples
draw_title("Images Examples");

$img_dim = 100;
$RTF->add_text("Image aligned to the left");
$RTF->add_image("images.jpg", $img_dim, "left");

$RTF->add_text("Image aligned to center", "center");
$RTF->add_image("images.jpg", $img_dim, "center");

$RTF->add_text("Image aligned to the right", "right");
$RTF->add_image("images.jpg", $img_dim, "right");


### Lists Examples

$elenco = array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");
$RTF->add_list($elenco, "left");
### Table Exemple
draw_title("Table Exemple");

'0' => array
'Cliente' => array
'id' => '01',
'name' => 'Client01',
'mail' => '',
'blocked' => 'N',
'asset' => 'Y'

'1' => array
'Cliente' => array
'id' => '02',
'name' => 'Client02',
'mail' => '',
'blocked' => 'N',
'asset' => 'Y'

'2' => array
'Cliente' => array
'id' => '03',
'name' => 'Client03',
'mail' => '',
'blocked' => 'N',
'asset' => 'Y'


### Parameters of counting
$i = 0;
$quantpag = 46;
$n_page = ceil(count($clientes)/$quantpag);

    foreach (
$clientes as $cliente){

$i == 0 OR $i == $quantpag){

######################### Assemble the Header #########################

            ### Arrow to the source texts outside the table (font, size)
$RTF->set_default_font("Arial", 11);

### Adds text of the header
$RTF->add_text("CUSTOMERS", "center");
$RTF->set_default_font("Arial", 9);
$RTF->add_text(date('d/m/Y')." to ". date('h:i:s'), "center");

### Adds a new row

### Pula line "ln (number of lines)"

### Arrow of the source table (font, size)
$RTF->set_table_font("Arial", 9);

### Opens line for a table

### cell: text, size of cell in% (the sum of all cells must be equal to 100%), alignment of the text, background color of the cell (0 to 16)
$RTF->cell($RTF->bold(1).$RTF->color(8)."Code", "10", "center", "15");
$RTF->cell("Name", "50", "center", "15");
$RTF->cell("Mail", "30", "center", "15");
$RTF->cell("Blocked", "5", "center", "15");
$RTF->cell("Asset".$RTF->bold(0).$RTF->color(0), "5", "center", "15");

### Close the line to table


### Makes zebra
($corFundo == "8") ? ($corFundo = "16") : ($corFundo = "8");

### Arrow of the source table (fonte_id, size)
$RTF->set_table_font("Arial", 9);

### Opens line for a table

### cell: text, size of cell in% (the sum of all cells must be equal to 100%), alignment of the text, background color of the cell (0 to 16)
$RTF->cell($cliente['Cliente']['id'], "10", "left", $corFundo);
$RTF->cell($cliente['Cliente']['name'], "50", "left", $corFundo);
$RTF->cell($cliente['Cliente']['mail'], "30", "left", $corFundo);
$RTF->cell($cliente['Cliente']['blocked'], "5", "center", $corFundo);
$RTF->cell($cliente['Cliente']['asset'], "5", "center", $corFundo);

### Close the line to table

### Parameters of counting

$i == $quantpag){

$RTF->set_default_font("Arial", 9);
$RTF->add_text('Page: '.$page.' of: '.$n_page, "center");


### Adds a new page

$RTF->add_text('Page: '.$page.' of: '.$n_page, "right");
