* J:\awww\www\fwphp\glomodul\mkd\model.php
* http://sspc2:8083/fwphp/glomodul/mkd/
* #cs04. (code flow step 4) processing (model, business logic)
namespace B12phpfw\flatFilesEd\mkd ;
//echo 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
$data[] = '';
$dir = __DIR__ ;
/* **********************************************************
* fill in d a t a a r r = LIST OF .mkd, .md or .txt FILES
********************************************************** */
// similar to lsweb module, 13 to 30 mili seconds
$objects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir)
, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST
$data[] .= '<ol>';
$dirname_prev = '';
foreach($objects as $name => $object)
$md_fle_path =
str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', str_replace($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $name)) ;
//echo $md_fle_path. '<br />' ;
$path_parts = pathinfo($md_fle_path) ; //stripos($md_fle_path, '.txt')
//echo '<pre>'.'$path_parts='; print_r($path_parts); echo '</pre>';
$ext = isset($path_parts['extension']) ? $path_parts['extension'] : 'noext';
if ($ext === 'txt' or $ext === 'md' or $ext === 'mkd')
$md_fle_path = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $md_fle_path);
if (dirname($md_fle_path) != dirname($dir))
$dirname = dirname($md_fle_path); // '\\'
if ($dirname_prev == $dirname) {$data[] .= '<br />';}
else {
$dirname_prev = $dirname ;
// *********** out dir containing texts ************
$data[] .= '<br /><br /><li></b>'.$dirname.'</b><br />';
$flename = basename($md_fle_path);
$fle_edit_url = '?i/edit/path/'. str_replace('/','\\', $md_fle_path) ;
$md_fle_url = '?i/showhtml/path/'. str_replace('/','\\', $md_fle_path) ;
//see md2htm()
$data[] .=
' <a href="'.$fle_edit_url.'" '." title='$fle_edit_url = SimpleMDE edit'>$flename</a>";
$data[] .= "
<a href='$md_fle_url' title='$md_fle_url = Parsedown txt to html'> HTM</a>";
} //echo '<pre>'.'$object='; print_r($object); echo '</pre>';
$data[] .= '</li></ol>'; //echo in View
if ('') {
//if ($module_arr['dbg'] and !$module_arr['style']) {
echo '<h2>STEP555 ' .', lin='. __LINE__ .' *** '.__FILE__ .' SAYS *** ????</h2>';
//echo '<br />'.'$ctr_ ordno='.$ctr_ ordno .'=...' ;
echo '<br />'.'$md_fle_url='.$md_fle_url ;
//print '<br />$module_arr ='; echo '<pre>'; print_r($module_arr); echo '</pre>';
echo '<br /><br />';
//echo '<br />5555555555555555555 '. __FILE__ ;
//e n d LIST OF M K D or T X T FILES