// J:\awww\www\fwphp\glomodul\adrs\upd_row_frm.php
// http://dev1:8083/fwphp/glomodul/adrs/?i/uu/id/44
// http://dev1:8083/fwphp/?i/uu
// <!-- u p d r o w f o r m -->
namespace B12phpfw\module\adrs ;
use B12phpfw\core\b12phpfw\Config_allsites as utl ; // init, setings, utils
//use B12phpfw\core\b12phpfw\Db_allsites as utldb ; // model (fns) for all tbls
use B12phpfw\dbadapter\adrs\Tbl_crud as db_module ; // model (fns) for song tbl
$pp1->stack_trace[]=str_replace('\\','/', __FILE__ ).', lin='.__LINE__ ;
if ('1') { //if ($module_ arr['dbg']) {
echo '<span style="color: green; font-size: large; font-weight: bold;">This view script '.__FILE__ .'()'.', line '. __LINE__ .' SAID: '.'</span>';
echo '<pre>';
//echo '<b>$pp1->stack_trace</b>='; print_r($pp1->stack_trace);
echo '<b>$pp1->urlqry_parts</b>='; print_r($pp1->urlqry_parts);
//echo '<b>$_ GET</b>='; print_r($_GET);
echo '</pre>';
if (isset($pp1->urlqry_parts[3])) {
$IdFromURL = (int)$pp1->urlqry_parts[3] ; // (int)utl::escp($uriq->id)
} else { $IdFromURL = NULL ; }
// 1. S U B M I T E D A C T I O N S
$cursor_uu = db_module::uu($pp1, $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__]);
} //E n d of Submit Button If-Condition
if ('') {self::jsmsg( [ basename(__FILE__). //__METHOD__ .
', line '. __LINE__ .' said'=>'s002. BEFORE Rtbl'
,'$pp1->dbi_obj'=>isset($pp1->dbi_obj)?:'NOT SET'
,'$pp1->uriq'=>isset($pp1->uriq)?json_encode($pp1->uriq):'NOT SET'
] ) ; }
$cursor = db_module::get_cursor(
, $qrywhere='id=:id'
, $binds = [['placeh'=>':id', 'valph'=>$IdFromURL, 'tip'=>'int']] //str or int or no 'tip'
, $other=['caller' => __FILE__ .' '.', ln '. __LINE__ ]
while ( $rx = db_module::rrnext($cursor) and isset($rx->id) ): {$r = $rx ;} endwhile;
//$r = db_module::rrnext($cursor) ;
if ('') { //if ($module_ arr['dbg']) {
echo '<h2>'.__FILE__ .'() '.', line '. __LINE__ .' said: '.'</h2>' ;
echo '<pre>';
echo '<b>$pp1->uriq</b>='; print_r($pp1->uriq);
echo '<b>$pp1->uriq->id</b>='; print_r($pp1->uriq->id);
echo '<br /><b>$r</b>='; print_r($r); //var_dump($r);
echo '</pre><br />';
if (!$r) { // r o w wasn't found, display error page $errobj = new Error_C();
$this->errmsg( '<h2>'.__FILE__ .'() '.', line '. __LINE__ .' said: '.'</h2>'
. "r o w id=***{$pp1->uriq->id}*** does not exists in table $tbl"
exit(0) ;
<div class="container">
<h3>E d i t r o w</h3>
<form action="<?=$pp1->module_url.'/'.QS?>i/uu" method="POST">
<label>Artist </label><input autofocus type="text" name="artist"
value="<?=utl::escp($r->artist)?>" required />
<label>Track </label><input type="text" name="track"
value="<?=utl::escp($r->track)?>" required />
<label>Link </label><input type="text" name="link"
value="<?=utl::escp($r->link)?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$IdFromURL?>" />
<input type="submit" name="submit_update" value="Update id <?=$IdFromURL?>" />
<p>You are in View: <?=__FILE__?></p>