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File: resources/assets/js/stats.js

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File: resources/assets/js/stats.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Polr Admin Dashboard
Another admin dashboard for the Polr URL shortener
Author: By
Last change: Changed the date format in the stats datetime picker.
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 6,131 bytes


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var parseInputDate = function (inputDate) { return moment(inputDate); }; (function($scope) { // The short URL whose stats are displayed. $scope.short_url = ''; // Callbacks for Jaxon requests $scope.requestCallbacks = { timers: [], onRequest: function() { $('#stats-buttons .btn-refresh-stats').prepend('<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" />'); }, onFailure: function() { $('#stats-buttons .btn-refresh-stats i').remove(); }, onSuccess: function() { $('#stats-buttons .btn-refresh-stats i').remove(); } }; $scope.populateEmptyDayData = function () { // Populate empty days in $scope.dayData with zeroes // Number of days in range var numDays = moment(datePickerRightBound).diff(moment(datePickerLeftBound), 'days'); var i = moment(datePickerLeftBound); var daysWithData = {}; // Generate hash map to keep track of dates with data _.each($scope.dayData, function (point) { var dayDate = point.x; daysWithData[dayDate] = true; }); // Push zeroes for days without data _.each(_.range(0, numDays), function () { var formattedDate = i.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); if (!(formattedDate in daysWithData)) { // If day does not have data, fill in with 0 $scope.dayData.push({ x: formattedDate, y: 0 }) } i.add(1, 'day'); }); // Sort dayData from least to most recent // to ensure Chart.js displays the data correctly $scope.dayData = _.sortBy($scope.dayData, ['x']) } $scope.initDayChart = function () { var ctx = $("#dayChart"); // Populate empty days in dayData $scope.populateEmptyDayData(); $scope.dayChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { datasets: [{ label: 'Clicks', data: $scope.dayData, pointHoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)", pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)", backgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)", borderColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)", }] }, options: { scales: { xAxes: [{ type: 'time', time: { unit: 'day' } }], yAxes: [{ ticks: { min: 0 } }] } } }); }; $scope.initRefererChart = function () { // Traffic sources var ctx = $("#refererChart"); var srcLabels = []; // var bgColors = []; var bgColors = [ '#003559', '#162955', '#2E4272', '#4F628E', '#7887AB', '#b9d6f2']; var srcData = []; _.each($scope.refererData, function (item) { if (srcLabels.length > 6) { // If more than 6 referers are listed, push the seventh and // beyond into "other" srcLabels[6] = 'Other'; srcData[6] += item.clicks; bgColors[6] = 'brown'; return; } srcLabels.push(item.label); srcData.push(item.clicks); }); $scope.refererChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'pie', data: { labels: srcLabels, datasets: [{ data: srcData, backgroundColor: bgColors }] } }); $('#refererTable').DataTable(); }; $scope.initCountryChart = function () { var parsedCountryData = {}; _.each($scope.countryData, function(country) { parsedCountryData[country.label] = country.clicks; }); $('#mapChart').vectorMap({ map: 'world_mill', series: { regions: [{ values: parsedCountryData, scale: ['#C8EEFF', '#0071A4'], normalizeFunction: 'polynomial' }] }, onRegionTipShow: function(e, el, code) { el.html(el.html()+' (' + (parsedCountryData[code] || 0) + ')'); } }); }; $scope.initDatePickers = function () { var $leftPicker = $('#left-bound-picker'); var $rightPicker = $('#right-bound-picker'); var datePickerOptions = { showTodayButton: true, format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' } $leftPicker.datetimepicker(datePickerOptions); $rightPicker.datetimepicker(datePickerOptions); $"DateTimePicker").parseInputDate(parseInputDate); $"DateTimePicker").parseInputDate(parseInputDate); $"DateTimePicker").date(datePickerLeftBound, Date, moment, null); $"DateTimePicker").date(datePickerRightBound, Date, moment, null); } $scope.initData = function (day, referer, country, leftBound, rightBound) { // Stats data dayData = day; refererData = referer; countryData = country; // Datepicker dates datePickerLeftBound = leftBound; datePickerRightBound = rightBound; }; $scope.initCharts = function () { $scope.dayChart = null; $scope.refererChart = null; $scope.countryChart = null; $scope.dayData = dayData; $scope.refererData = refererData; $scope.countryData = countryData; $scope.initDayChart(); $scope.initRefererChart(); $scope.initCountryChart(); }; $scope.init = function () { $scope.initCharts(); $scope.initDatePickers(); }; // $scope.init(); })(polr.stats);