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File: example1.php

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  Classes of Keyvan Minoukadeh   HTTP Navigator   example1.php   Download  
File: example1.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example file, see for more examples
Class: HTTP Navigator
Web fetching
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 3,134 bytes


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<?php // choose random site srand((float)microtime() * 10000000); $site = array("", "", "", "", ""); $rand_site = $site[array_rand($site)]; // set form vars $url = (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["url"]) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS["url"] : $rand_site); $use_curl = (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["use_curl"]) ? true : false); $use_curl_ssl = (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["use_curl_ssl"]) ? true : false); ?> <html> <head> <title>HTTP Navigator - Example 1</title> </head> <body> <h2>HTTP Navigator - Example 1</h2> <form method="get"> Use cURL <input type="checkbox" name="use_curl" value="yes" <?php echo ($use_curl ? "checked" : ""); ?>> &nbsp; Use cURL for SSL <input type="checkbox" name="use_curl_ssl" value="yes" <?php echo ($use_curl_ssl ? "checked" : ""); ?>> <br> URL: <input type="text" name="url" value="<?php echo $url; ?>" size="35">&nbsp; <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Go!"> </form> <?php // HTTP Navigator example file // include the class file require_once("class.http_navigator.php"); // create instance of class $http = new http_navigator; // set debug on $http->set_var("debug", true); // set cURL settings (based on form checkboxes) $http->set_var("use_curl", $use_curl); $http->set_var("use_curl_ssl", $use_curl_ssl); // grab page $result = $http->get_url("$url"); echo "<pre>"; // if error or warning if ($http->is_error($result)) { echo "<b>Error: $result[error]</b>"; echo "</pre></body></html>"; exit; } elseif ($http->is_warning($result)) { echo "<b>Warning: $result[error]</b>"; } if ($result) { // get status info $status = $http->status_info($http->get_status()); echo ' ----------------------------------------------------- <b>Last Request:</b> Time taken: '.$http->get_info('time_taken').' Status Code: '.$http->get_status().' Status Txt: '.$status['meaning'].' Status Meaning: '.$status['range_meaning'].' Body Size: '.$http->get_body_size().' ----------------------------------------------------- '; ///////////////// // list headers ///////////////// echo "\n<b>Last Header Returned:</b>\n".$http->get_headers(); } $cookie = &$http->get_var("cookie"); echo "\n\n<b>Cookies Found:</b>\n"; if (count($cookie) == 0) { echo "<i>None</i>\n\n"; } else { //////////////// // list cookies //////////////// // loop through domains foreach ($cookie as $domain => $domain_val) { echo "Domain: $domain\n"; // looop through path foreach ($domain_val as $path => $path_val) { echo " Path: $path\n"; // loop through name foreach ($path_val as $name => $name_val) { echo " Cookie: $name\n"; echo " Value: $name_val[value]\n"; if (isset($name_val["expires"])) { echo " Expires: ".date("D jS M Y H:i:s", $name_val["expires"])."\n"; } else { echo " Expires: <i>session</i>\n"; } if ($name_val["secure"]) { echo " Secure: Yes\n\n"; } else { echo " Secure: No\n\n"; } } } } } ?> </pre> </body> </html>