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File: src/Libraries/Library.php

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  Classes of Thierry Feuzeu   Modals, alerts and confirmation dialogs for Jaxon   src/Libraries/Library.php   Download  
File: src/Libraries/Library.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: Modals, alerts and confirmation dialogs for Jaxon
Display Ajax modal, alert and confirmation dialogs
Author: By
Last change: Upgraded the js code to the 2.0 release of the js library.
Also moved the js and HTML code to separated template files.
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 9,387 bytes


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 * Library.php - Base class for javascript library adapters.
 * @package jaxon-dialogs
 * @author Thierry Feuzeu <>
 * @copyright 2016 Thierry Feuzeu <>
 * @license BSD 3-Clause License
 * @link

namespace Jaxon\Dialogs\Libraries;


Library implements Plugin
     * The plugin instance
     * @var object
protected $xDialog = null;

     * The name of the plugin
     * @var string
protected $sName = '';

     * The subdir of the JS and CSS files in the CDN
     * @var string
protected $sSubDir = '';

     * The default version of the plugin library
     * @var string
protected $sVersion = '';

     * The default URI where to get the library files from
     * @var string
protected $sUri = '';

     * The object used to build the response that will be sent to the client browser
     * @var \Jaxon\Response\Response
protected $xResponse;
     * The constructor
     * @param string $sSubDir The subdir of the JS and CSS files in the CDN
     * @param string $sVersion The default version of the plugin library
protected function __construct($sSubDir, $sVersion)
$this->sSubDir = $sSubDir;
$this->sVersion = $sVersion;
     * Set the <Jaxon\Response\Response> object
     * @param array $xResponse The response
     * @return void
final public function setResponse($xResponse)
$this->xResponse = $xResponse;
     * Get the <Jaxon\Response\Response> object
     * @return object
final public function response()
     * Add a client side plugin command to the response object
     * @param array $aAttributes The attributes of the command
     * @param string $sData The data to be added to the command
     * @return void
final public function addCommand($aAttributes, $sData)
$this->xResponse->addPluginCommand($this, $aAttributes, $sData);

     * Initialize the library class instance
     * @param string $sName The plugin name
     * @param Jaxon\Dialogs\Dialog $xDialog The Dialog plugin instance
     * @return void
final public function init($sName, $xDialog)
// Set the library name
$this->sName = $sName;
// Set the dialog
$this->xDialog = $xDialog;
// Set the Response instance
// Set the default URI.
$this->sUri = $this->xDialog->getOption('dialogs.lib.uri', $this->sUri);
// Set the library URI.
$this->sUri = rtrim($this->getOption('uri', $this->sUri), '/');
// Set the subdir
$this->sSubDir = trim($this->getOption('subdir', $this->sSubDir), '/');
// Set the version number
$this->sVersion = trim($this->getOption('version', $this->sVersion), '/');

     * Get the value of a config option
     * @param string $sName The option name
     * @param mixed $xDefault The default value, to be returned if the option is not defined
     * @return mixed The option value, or its default value
final public function getOption($sName, $xDefault = null)
$sName = 'dialogs.' . $this->getName() . '.' . $sName;
$this->xDialog->getOption($sName, $xDefault);
     * Check the presence of a config option
     * @param string $sName The option name
     * @return bool True if the option exists, and false if not
final public function hasOption($sName)
$sName = 'dialogs.' . $this->getName() . '.' . $sName;
     * Get the names of the options matching a given prefix
     * @param string $sPrefix The prefix to match
     * @return array The options matching the prefix
final public function getOptionNames($sPrefix)
// The options names are relative to the plugin in Dialogs configuration
return $this->xDialog->getOptionNames('dialogs.' . $this->getName() . '.' . $sPrefix);

     * Get the names of the options matching a given prefix
     * @param string $sPrefix The prefix to match
     * @return array The options matching the prefix
final public function getOptionScript($sVarPrefix, $sKeyPrefix, $nSpaces = 0)
$aOptions = $this->getOptionNames($sKeyPrefix);
$sSpaces = str_repeat(' ', $nSpaces);
$sScript = '';
$aOptions as $sShortName => $sFullName)
$value = $this->xDialog->getOption($sFullName);
$value = "'$value'";
$value = ($value ? 'true' : 'false');
$value = print_r($value, true);
$sScript .= "\n" . $sSpaces . $sVarPrefix . $sShortName . ' = ' . $value . ';';

     * Get the plugin name
     * It is a function of the Jaxon\Dialogs\Interfaces\Plugin interface.
     * @return string
public function getName()

     * Get the javascript header code and file includes
     * It is a function of the Jaxon\Dialogs\Interfaces\Plugin interface.
     * @return string
public function getJs()

     * Get the CSS header code and file includes
     * It is a function of the Jaxon\Dialogs\Interfaces\Plugin interface.
     * @return string
public function getCss()

     * Get the javascript code to be printed into the page
     * It is a function of the Jaxon\Dialogs\Interfaces\Plugin interface.
     * @return string
public function getScript()

     * Get the text of the "Yes" button for confirm dialog
     * @return string
public function getConfirmTitle()
$this->xDialog->getOption('dialogs.confirm.title', '');

     * Get the text of the "Yes" button for confirm dialog
     * @return string
public function getYesButtonText()
$this->xDialog->getOption('dialogs.confirm.yes', 'Yes');

     * Get the text of the "No" button for confirm dialog
     * @return string
public function getNoButtonText()
$this->xDialog->getOption('', 'No');

     * Get the javascript HTML header code
     * @param string $sFile The javascript file name
     * @param string $sUri The URI where to get the file
     * @return string
public function getJsCode($sFile)
'<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->sUri . '/' .
$this->sSubDir . '/' . $this->sVersion . '/' . $sFile . '"></script>';

     * Get the CSS HTML header code
     * @param string $sFile The CSS file name
     * @param string $sUri The URI where to get the file
     * @return string
public function getCssCode($sFile)
'<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $this->sUri . '/' .
$this->sSubDir . '/' . $this->sVersion . '/' . $sFile . '" />';

     * Render a template
     * @param string $sTemplate The name of template to be rendered
     * @param string $aVars The template vars
     * @return string The template content
protected function render($sTemplate, array $aVars = array())
// Is the library the default for alert messages?
$isDefaultForAlert = ($this->getName() == $this->xDialog->getOption('dialogs.default.alert'));
// Is the library the default for confirm questions?
$isDefaultForConfirm = ($this->getName() == $this->xDialog->getOption('dialogs.default.confirm'));
$aLocalVars = [
'yes' => $this->getYesButtonText(),
'no' => $this->getNoButtonText(),
'defaultForAlert' => $isDefaultForAlert,
'defaultForConfirm' => $isDefaultForConfirm
$this->xDialog->render('jaxon::dialogs::' . $sTemplate, array_merge($aLocalVars, $aVars));