// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Sitellite - Content Management System |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2001 Simian Systems |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This software is released under the Simian Open Software License. |
// | Please see the accompanying file OPENLICENSE for licensing details! |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the Simian Open Software License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to Simian Systems, |
// | 101-314 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0S7, CANADA. The Simian |
// | Public License is also available at the following web site |
// | address: <http://www.simian.ca/license.php> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: John Luxford <lux@simian.ca> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// CGI is a class that is used to give GET and POST auto-generated
// variables their own distinct namespace, so as not to conflict with
// other auto-generated variables, such as Cookie data.
<package name="CGI">
<class name="CGI"
date="2001-05-29 11:05:37"
<author name="John Luxford"
url="http://www.simian.ca/" />
<summary>CGI is a class that is used to give GET and POST auto-generated
variables their own distinct namespace, so as not to conflict with other
auto-generated variables, such as Cookie data. The CGI class gets its data
from the $HTTP_POST_VARS and $HTTP_GET_VARS hashes.</summary>
<example>$cgi = new CGI;
// if a variable called 'query' was passed to this script, it can
// be accessed this way:
echo $cgi->query;
// or you can use the 'param' property to retrieve all of the names
// of the variables passed to this script:
foreach ($cgi->param as $p) {
echo $cgi->{$p};
}</example> !*/
class CGI {
/*! <property name="param" access="public" type="array">
<summary>Contains a list of the names of all the variables passed to the
current script through either the GET or POST methods.</summary>
</property> !*/
var $param = array ();
/*! <method name="CGI" access="public">
<summary>Constructor method.</summary>
</method> !*/
function CGI () {
while (list ($k, $v) = each ($HTTP_GET_VARS)) {
$this->{$k} = $v;
array_push ($this->param, $k);
while (list ($k, $v) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
$this->{$k} = $v;
array_push ($this->param, $k);
/*! <method name="parseUri" access="public">
<summary>Takes the global $REQUEST_URI variable and parses it as if
each subdirectory listing is a key/value pair, separated by periods (.),
and adds these pairs as properties of this object, and the keys to the
param array. Any subdirectories that do not contain a period are returned
as extras.</summary>
<returns type="array" />
</method> !*/
function parseUri () {
global $REQUEST_URI;
$extra_vars = array (); // directories that didn't separate with a .
$path_split = split ("/", $REQUEST_URI);
array_shift ($path_split); // lose the www... part of the URI
array_shift ($path_split); // lose the filename part of the URI
foreach ($path_split as $one) {
if (ereg (".\..", $one)) {
list ($key, $val) = split ("\.", $one);
$this->{$key} = $val;
array_push ($this->param, $key);
} else {
array_push ($extra_vars, $one);
return $extra_vars;
/*! <method name="translateUri" access="public">
<summary>Takes an ordinary URI with GET parameters in it, and returns
a URI compatible with the parseUri method. The optional lose parameter
is a comma-separated list of key/value pairs in the URI to lose, but
not from the parameter list (the stuff that follows the ?), but from
the first part of the URI.</summary>
<param name="uri" type="string" />
<param name="lose" type="string" />
<returns type="string" />
</method> !*/
function translateUri ($uri = "", $lose = "") {
list ($start, $params) = split ("\?", $uri);
$vars = array ();
$lose_these = split (", ?", $lose);
// compile array of key.value pairs
foreach (split ("&", $params) as $p) {
if (! empty ($p)) {
array_push ($vars, ereg_replace ("=", ".", $p));
// lose specified already translated parts of the URI
foreach ($lose_these as $p) {
$start = ereg_replace ('/' . $p . '(\.?[^/]*)/', "/", $start);
$start = ereg_replace ('/' . $p . '(\.?[^/]*)/?$', "", $start);
return $start . '/' . join ('/', $vars);
/*! </class>
</package> !*/